How to update, delete or duplicate a published experience?

You can update, delete, or duplicate your microsite easily, even if it's already published.

How do I delete an experience?

  • Go to your workspace
  • Click on the three dots on the upper right corner of your experience
  • Choose Delete and a check message will appear
  • Click on Yes to confirm you want to delete your microsite.
Warning : This action cannot be undone.
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How do I duplicate an experience?

  • Go to your workspace
  • click on the three dots on the upper right corner
  • Choose Duplicate
  • An overlay will appear so that you can name your duplicate experience (by default, we add "-Copy" to the title).

You can also change the workspace of your duplicated experience.

Warning : custom theme or animation cannot be duplicated from a workspace to another.

How do I update an experience?

Edit your experience from the Fastory builder, as usual. Then click on update the experience on the top right corner to push your changes online.

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