How to create rewards

Create the rewards for the promotion you want to organize

If you want to organize a promotion (sweepstake or instant win) you'll need to create the rewards as a first step.


You can either :

👉 Create a basic reward or;

👉 Create a reward with unique codes


Create a basic reward

Go to the Rewards tab and click on +Promotions

  • Give a title to your reward and choose a media to illustrate (Warning: these elements will be visible by the users during the instant win). Dimensions of the media reward for the instant win: 800 x 600px
  • You can insert a description (optional)
  • Choose the quantity of the rewards
  • Click on confirm
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Create as many rewards as you want to insert in your promotion.


Follow the guide to:


Create a reward with unique codes


To insert rewards with unique codes in your instant win, you need to subscribe to the option.

Go to the Rewards tab and click on +Promotions

  • Give a title to your reward and choose a media to illustrate (Warning: these elements will be visible by the users during the instant win). Dimensions of the media reward for the instant win: 800 x 600px
  • You can insert a description (optional)
  • Click on Unique codes and upload your csv file with your codes.



⚠️ Warning ❌ the csv file should not be formatted, you need to upload raw data ❌ there must not be any header raw ✅ it must contain only one column with the codes

  • Click on Confirm
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It's now time to create your rewards !

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