How to display a countdown on my experience ?

Discover how to use the countdown feature

Add a countdown in your experience to generate virality and excitement around your operation.

Start the game on a specific day and time, waited by all.


1. Schedule the dates

  • Go to the settings of your experience and Game Planification

Follow the steps to schedule the dates of opening and closing of your game.


The “start” button by default will be apparent or hidden depending on the date and time scheduled.


2. Add the countdown

  • Add the countdown component on the first screen of your experience
Notion image
  • Set up the text of the countdown
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The countdown will appear differently depending on the situation of the game :


The game didn’t start yet

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The game is in progress

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The game is over

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Information : If a user is playing the game at the same moment as the scheduled closing of the experience, he will automatically be redirected to the last screen or the lose screen and will be able to register to the bot if there is one.
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