How do I create a Trivia Quiz?

Add fun and interactivity to your experience with a Trivia Quiz

Adding a Trivia Quiz in your experience makes your experience more fun and interactive. Questions can be worded in a way to get your audience's opinion or to help it learn more about your brand.


Creating a Trivia quiz

  1. select the Microsite format;
  1. add a new screen in the timeline;
  1. choose Trivia quiz

Game process


The Trivia quiz has three key steps: the intro, the game, and and the winner/loser screens.

Notion image

Intro: the game's welcome screen, where you can explain the goal of the game.

Game: where users can answer your questions.

Winner or Loser: The final screen, whether winning or losing, allows you to thank participants and redirect them to the next screen of your experience or your website.


There are several settings you can customize in your Trivia quiz:

  • the question timer;
  • the exit button;
  • the replay button;
  • the header;
  • the question score;
  • correct and wrong answers background.

Answers formats

There a different answers formats available:

  • single choice;
  • multiple choice;
  • text;
  • number;
  • date;
  • sortable words;
  • sortable list.

You can also add a hint, custom timer value or score value for each answer, according to the question's difficulty.

Media specifications

  • Image for a question : 800px x 450px
  • Image for an answer choice : 800px x 450px

You can also add youtube videos inside the questions of the quiz.

Note that these videos won't have the autoplay option on mobile.

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