How do I create a Scratch game?

Add a Scratch game inside the bot in the Instant Win feature

The scratch game is displaying directly inside the bot with the instant win component.

1. Add the scratch game in the bot


The scratch game takes place only in the bot in the instant win question.

If you want to set up an instant win, check out this article

  • Click on Select game type and select Scratch with particle effects
  • Don't forget to Select your contest in the drop-down menu (it must be in Ready mode)
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  • You can then customize the game by adding: a scratch image, a lost image, a percentage of revelation and the colors of the particles.
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Format for scratch images and lost image :

Size : 810x 1215px

Ratio : 2:3


2. Putting it online


Once the configuration is complete, check that you have saved your changes.

  • First, click on Save
  • Then click on Publish

The game is ready to be launched!

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